Sunday 27 April 2008


After looking at purely natural forms, I have turned my attention to objects that have been inspired by natural forms.

I started by looking at objects around me that I used in everyday life. I drew my tripod because its flexible legs were probably inspired by those of some king of insect of plant.

I observed a camera lens and made an experimental line drawing considering some of the connotations of cameras and photographs. The inspiration here is from the human eye and the shifting of lenses.

I looked at a swing ball corkscrew and made a rhythmic fine line and watercolour drawing to emphasise the spiralling corkscrew. The influence for this design may be the path of a falling seed as it spirals to the ground.

I also found some wash balls which reminded me of small alien planets. I tried to convey their character using a collage of various pieces of plastic and paper. I also used watercolour, pen and talcum powder.

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